Endless Flowing Stream


“Endless Flowing Stream” is inspired by two elements: “nature” and “flowing water.” The work produces a natural kinetic rhythm like a graceful cascade. The neatly arranged rows of the installation distributed along the wall flip as water flows over them, with an organic yet orderly feel-ing, flowing naturally downward. As the water alter-nately spreads out and coalesces, the visual image forms ripples, reflecting th sunlight. The shifting water, light, shadow and refracted colors echo the artistic spirit of impressionism.


noiseKitchen Art
Chairman|HUANG Wen-Hao
Technical Director|LIN Wei-Yuan
Project Manager| HSIAO Chia-Yi、CHEN Guan-Yu
Project Assistant|LIN Pei-Chen、CHEN Fang-Yu
Designer|RENN Ching-Chia、WU Ping-Sheng、WANG Chung-Kun
Executive Designer|LAI Jeff、LIN Po-Yu
Design Assistant|TSAI Chen-Huan、CHEN Alvin
Technical Manager|LIN Chih-Hung
Technical Assistant|WU Zonn、HUANG Hao-Min
Materials Manager|LIN Pei-Chen
Accountant|WU Yen-Ting
Executive Organizer by noiseKitchen Art Co.,Ltd.



Taipei Dome


Farglory Dome

